The nafta negotiations in which Canada, Mexico and the United States participate are still ongoing and appear to continue until the end of the year. This is probably due to the difficulty in finding an agreement that is beneficial to the respective countries, because for different reasons, Trump has generated tension in its relation with the respective countries. In the previous article we talked about the US initiative to negotiate new agreements on chapter 19. No concrete publications have been issued yet because we are talking about a complicated framework in which there seems to be no solution that benefits all. It is also relevant to say that this only refers to a part of the negotiations.

The nafta negotiations in which Canada, Mexico and the United States participate are still ongoing and appear to continue until the end of the year. This is probably due to the difficulty in finding an agreement that is beneficial to the respective countries, because for different reasons, Trump has generated tension in its relation with the respective countries. In the previous article we talked about the US initiative to negotiate new agreements on chapter 19. No concrete publications have been issued yet because we are talking about a complicated framework in which there seems to be no solution that benefits all. It is also relevant to say that this only refers to a part of the negotiations.
Today we will talk about other issues that are under negotiation, such as the TARIFFS and the LABOR MARKET. For those who do not know, tariffs are a tax that applies to goods that are imported, sometimes used for export, but not very frequent. The United States applies tariffs to all countries with which it has trade, with the exception of Canada and Mexico, but Trump plans to eliminate this exception by generating controversy since no one likes to be taxed.
Finally, there is a very complicated and difficult issue to tackle, the LABOR MARKET. The US government maintains that labor wages should be regulated. This may seem at first glance something positive, however there are certain factors that would be affected if this happened. It is very important to note that Mexico is one of the countries that has the lowest wages in the world since most of the workers are not regulated, that is to say that in addition to having a low salary, they do not apply health insurance for example . Although this seems negative, there are many companies that need manpower and see Mexico as a gold mine deciding to invest in the country.
Las negociaciones del nafta en la cual participan Canadá, México y EEUU siguen en curso y parece que continuaran hasta que finalice el año. Esto probablemente se deba a la dificultad por encontrar un acuerdo que sea beneficioso para los respectivos países, ya que por distintas razones, Trump ha generado tensión en su relación con los países respectivos.
En el artículo anterior hablamos sobre la iniciativa de EEUU para negociar nuevos acuerdos sobre el capítulo 19. Aún no se han emitido publicaciones concretas de éstas negociaciones porque posiblemente estemos hablando de un marco complicado en el cual no parece haber solución que beneficie a todos. Además es relevante decir que esto solo hace referencia a una parte de las negociaciones.
Hoy, hablaremos de otros temas que se encuentran en negociación, como los ARANCELES y el MERCADO LABORAL.
Para quienes no lo saben, el ARANCEL es un impuesto que se le aplica a los bienes que son importados, a veces se usa para los exportados pero no es muy frecuente.
EEUU aplica aranceles a todos los países con quien posee comercio, exceptuando a Canadá y México, sin embargo Trump planea eliminar ésta excepción generando controversias ya que a nadie le gusta que les pongan impuestos.
Finalmente se encuentra un tema muy complicado y difícil de abordar, el MERCADO LABORAL.
El gobierno de Estados Unidos mantiene que se deben regular los salarios laborales. Esto puede parecer a simple vista algo positivo, sin embargo existen ciertos factores que serian afectados si esto pasase.
Es muy relevante señalar que México es uno de los países que posee los salarios mas bajos en el mundo ya que la mayoría de los trabajadores no están bajo regulación, es decir que además de tener un sueldo bajo, no se les aplica seguro médico por ejemplo.
Aunque esto parezca negativo, existen muchas empresas que necesitan mano de obra y ven a México como una mina de oro decidiendo invertir en el país.
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